Century Farm or Home Program

Century Farm Sign

The Century and Sesquicentennial Farm or Home Award is a prestigious award given to families who have dedicated their lives to Wisconsin farming for 100 or 150 years. The Century Farm or Home Program began in 1948 in conjunction with the State of Wisconsin’s Centennial Celebration and is a program of the Wisconsin State Fair.

Honorees receive complimentary State Fair admission tickets, an invitation to the awards breakfast, a commemorative photo, certificate, and outdoor display sign.

Applications for 2025 are now closed. If you have questions about the application process for 2026, email us at farmingtonhistory017@gmail.com.

Congratulations to Farmington's 2023 Inductees!

Century Farm

Henry "Butch" & Susan Schacht
2334 County Highway H

Schacht Century Farm Award

Farmington's Century Farms & Homes Listing

All Century Farms & Homes (PDF)

Farmington's 2023 Century Farm Inductees

Schacht Family Honored for 100 Years of Farming

Congratulations to Henry ("Butch") & Susan Schacht who were honored at the 2023 Wisconsin State Fair for their Century Farm.

This prestigious award is given to families who have dedicated their lives to Wisconsin farming for 100 years.

Schacht Century Farm

Henry George Schacht, Butch's great-grandfather, purchased the farm in 1892. In 1924, son Henry Adolph took over the family farm when his father retired and moved to West Bend. Henry Adolph and his wife, Orlinda, along with their four children, Henry (Hank), Vernelli, Nathalie, and Gerald, farmed the land until Henry Adolph's death in 1962. Orlinda rented out the land for a number of years until her grandson, Henry (Butch), rented the farm in 1973 and purchased it in 1997. Butch continues to farm it as did his grandfather and his great-grandfather before him. He is the 4th generation on the Schacht farm.

This historic farm is located at 2334 County Highway H in the Town of Farmington.

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